What Flutora can do for you

Amazon Store Setup and Management

Selling on Amazon.com offers numerous benefits that enables brands to expand their reach and achieve success in the online marketplace. Some of these benefits are, but are not limited to access to a vast customer base the boost millions of active users, increased visibility, verified trust and credability and international expansion as Amazon operates in numerous countries worldwide. Flutora will aid in your brand leveraging the power of Amazon’s platform which in turn will enhance your company’s visibility, credibility, and ultimately business success.

AI-Powered Market Research and Insights

Flutora ulitizes a series of Artifical Intelligence (A.I.) tools and through harnessing the power of A.I. for product and market research, allows us the opportunity to offer brands unparalleled insights and strategic advantages. With A.I. technology being able to process vast amounts of information quickly and efficiently, this in turn allows us to empower your brand to make informed decisions and stay ahead in the competitive marketplace.

Professional Product Photography

Our company ulitizes a professional photography service that specializes in Amazon product photography ensuring your brand’s product will be showcased in their best light. Through mulitple angle shots, to 360 degree displays, to lifestyle shots to videos, we’ll ensure the customer gains a better understanding of what they can expect, there by reducing uncertainty and increasing the likelihood of making a purchase.

Amazon PPC Advertising

Amazon offers brands the option of running their most powerful adversiting tool on their platform called Pay-PerClick (PPC). With Flutora as your Amazon representative we’ll ensure that PPC get leveraged in the most optimal way to increase your brands visibility, drive targeted traffic, and boost sales on your target audiences most searched keywords. Also this adversiting expense will be at no additional cost to you.